

Drama? Or trauma?

Drama? Or trauma?

The representation of mental disorders in society and pop culture repeatedly misses, at best, the nuances associated with the experience of living with a mental disorder. In the attempt of characterizing psychiatric disorders by creating dramatic and oversimplified caricatures, have we failed to recognize something fundamental that we all share to some extent despite our diagnostic boundaries?

Work & Holidays – the two don’t mix

Work & Holidays – the two don’t mix

Who’s never felt the urge to work during holidays? Setting boundaries between work and time off can be challenging. But maybe we should consider taking a break as also part of the job. An opportunity to step back, think differently, and take time for yourself and others.

Keep your distance but stay social

Keep your distance but stay social

“Man is by nature a social animal.” So spoke Aristotle in the early fourth century B.C.E. Today, this sentiment still holds true. We engage ourselves in relationships with others, and we share thoughts and experiences all the time. We do this out of need: our social nature asks us to do so and we cannot ignore it. But what happens when our social possibilities are severely limited?

Bothered by intrusive thoughts? Here’s something to try

Bothered by intrusive thoughts? Here’s something to try

If you’ve ever waited for a train and suddenly thought about jumping—or pushing someone—in front of it, or had a sexually perverted thought that had little to do with your actual desires, you’re not the only one. Unwanted intrusive thoughts are common yet differ greatly from one person to the next. Keep reading if you want to find out how you might deal with such thoughts.