

Women on the moon

Women on the moon

Is there a lunar clock in the female brain to influence menstrual cycles? Many research studies show that it is just a dusty old myth. How about in ancient times, when most of our biological rhythms were still governed by natural light?

Error is the key to success

Error is the key to success

What to do when facing a situation we’re not familiar with? Too many unknown elements to react intuitively. That’s when we need to pause and think about a new plan. And then, just try and see?

The embodiment of sex and gender

The embodiment of sex and gender

It is believed that children start to feel their sex identity and express their own gender by the age of three. However, if we consider that gender/sex identity is not something that you build from one day to the next, one question remains: how and when do we start embodying our gender/sex?

We are more creative than we think

We are more creative than we think

The Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling used to say “I think I think harder, think more than other people do” to explain his remarkable creative performances. And he was probably right: not everyone could have unravelled the mystery of how atoms are arranged and bounded together (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1954). Yet, does it mean that creativity isn’t within everyone’s reach? What is creativity really and how can we master it?