
Mind-controlling fungi: reality or science fiction?

Mind-controlling fungi: reality or science fiction?

The series “The Last of Us” (based on the video game) brought a scary and post-apocalyptic scenario to our screens: that of a fungal pandemic in which infected people turn into zombies with the sole goal of spreading the fungus to the uninfected. It makes for a very compelling horror story, but is any of it rooted in reality or is it all just imagination? The answer lies somewhere in between.

One thing to forget?

One thing to forget?

Can you imagine a life without forgetting? The truth is that erasing outdated or meaningless memories is just as important as creating new ones, both facilitate the ability to learn while generalizing.

What time is it in your brain?

What time is it in your brain?

Have you noticed how, depending on the context, sometimes time flies, and other times it seems to drag? Unravelling the mystery of how the brain keeps track of time is key to understanding how our state of mind affects not only what we perceive but how we perceive it.

Do you “Déjà vu”?

Do you “Déjà vu”?

Do you know that sudden feeling of familiarity when you sense something and it seems like you have already experienced it before? The French call it déjà vu. And neuroscientists from around the world try to define its nature.