Foto door Janine via Wikimedia Commons

Christmas dinner

This post is also available in Dutch.

It’s Christmas! A fascinating time to study people’s eating behavior. Everybody sitting down at the table, family and food galore. And for a few days, tasty, high caloric food beats the healthy stuff, at least if you ask the Pleasant Family. Although not all family members seem to agree on this… How is this in your family?

At Radboud University a lot of research focuses on eating behavior. For example, on impulsive eating, or on the link between our diet and Alzheimer’s disease. But also on the influence our dinner guests have on our eating behavior. In the interactive picture below you get to know more about this research. Just click on each of the characters to see what’s going on inside their heads.

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In the picture you see a schematic view of the brain. In the right half of the brain, you see the brain from a top view. In the left half of the brain, you see a horizontal section that shows some regions located deeper in the brain.

This blog was made and written by Lieneke (in Dutch).
Edited by Winke and Juliette.

Many thanks to:
Amanda Kiliaan
Amanda is an associate professor at the Donders Institute. She investigates the effects of diet on the decay of the aging brain. She uses mouse models of neurovascular diseases and neurodegeneration, in particular of Alzheimer’s disease.

Esther Aarts
Esther is a senior researcher at the Donders Institute. She leads a research group on human eating behavior and the brain.

Harm Veling
Harm is an assistant professor at the Behavioural Science Institute. He investigates how you can change impulsive responses to tasty, high caloric foods.

Roel Hermans
Roel did his PhD project at the Behavioural Science Institute. He investigated how (mainly) women imitate each other while eating.

Tatjana van Strien
Tatjana is an associate professor in the psychology of dieting and overeating at the Institute for Gender Studies. She is also a professor in the psychology of eating styles at VU University Amsterdam.

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