Why do we always empty a bag of crisps in one go
It is a familiar scenario for many people: you take a bit of chips and
It is a familiar scenario for many people: you take a bit of chips and
Whether stress makes you hungry or lose your appetite depends on both your sensitivity to stress hormones and the type of stress you are experiencing.
No matter how sated you may feel, there’s always room for dessert. Sensory specific satiety and relaxing your stomach can give you just enough room for a slice of cake.
PKU can be difficult, but it has also given me a lot of appreciation. I now realise that I owe my brain – and the rest of my life – to science.
Many people get short-tempered when they have not eaten for a while; they become ‘hangry’. This is not merely posturing but a survival mechanism that motivates you to start looking for food.
Odds are that after having a meal you get tired: that’s the after-dinner dip. This is because your body and brain enter a resting state, but fortunately you can turn it off yourself!
You may be misleading your taste buds with artificial sweeteners, but your brain is not so easy to deceive.
More and more people choose to not eat meat or animal products, that is, to become vegetarian. One of the most often heard counterarguments for being vegetarian is that you would miss out on several nutrients. But is this true?
In recent years intermittent fasting has become a popular food trend and diet. But apart from just helping with weight loss, it has many more health benefits.
Pickiness in eating is often associated with a lack of sophistication or just plain fussiness