Search Results for: autism

How to say autism?

How to say autism?

Whether it is preferred to say that someone is a ‘person with autism’ or an ‘autistic person’ is controversial. Even among the people concerned, very different opinions coexist. How do we decide what the right naming is and why?

Can a diet cure autism?

Can a diet cure autism?

In the last decade, autism has changed from a rare phenomenon into a common disorder. However, a lot of dubious information is still going around about autism. It is sometimes thought that autism can be caused by wrong eating patterns, and that a change in diet can undo the symptoms of autism. What does science have to say about it?


Lucas obtained his Bachelors degree in Psychology and Masters degree in Cognitive Neuroscience, both at Radboud University Nijmegen.


Viola is a PhD candidate studying how chemical imbalance in the brain could be what

Aversive to touch, not to humans

Aversive to touch, not to humans

We experience the world through our senses. What happens though when sensory inputs become too much (or too little) to bear from a very young age? Surely, the world must feel different, and our experience of it would change along.

Too much to sense at once

Too much to sense at once

Imagine that every detail you see, hear or smell triggers your thoughts simultaneously. From every tiny inscription on the packaging to all the massive sales signs, from a nearby whisper to the distant traffic… It is all too much to sense at once: this is what sensory overload feels like.

Eyebrows don’t lie.

Eyebrows don’t lie.

In the 80s we kept them bushy, in the 90s ultra-thin, and nowadays bold and big. Eyebrows have undergone many changes through the years (some arguably better than others). One change has been key to human socialization.