

This is why “93% of communication is nonverbal” is a myth

This is why “93% of communication is nonverbal” is a myth

Have you ever heard of the claim that 93% of communication is nonverbal? This often-repeated claim states that 55% of what you communicate comes from your facial expressions, 38% from your tone of voice, and the words you speak are only responsible for 7%. Although non-verbal communication is of course important, these numbers are not true at all. What is wrong with them? And where do they come from?

We are more creative than we think

We are more creative than we think

The Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling used to say “I think I think harder, think more than other people do” to explain his remarkable creative performances. And he was probably right: not everyone could have unravelled the mystery of how atoms are arranged and bounded together (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1954). Yet, does it mean that creativity isn’t within everyone’s reach? What is creativity really and how can we master it?

This is why we stick to false beliefs even in a pandemic

This is why we stick to false beliefs even in a pandemic

Besides an alarming death toll, a shrinking world economy, and a renewed appreciation for thorough handwashing, the current COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed humans everywhere to another contagion: belief in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Why is it that some people tend to stick to false beliefs?

Solving pieces of the ADHD puzzle: trajectories of ADHD

Solving pieces of the ADHD puzzle: trajectories of ADHD

ADHD outcomes can take different paths as patients grow up. In an effort to predict and therefore possibly prevent severe ADHD outcomes, researchers at the Donders Institute are currently running an exciting study. I’m a research assistant in this special project. Read on for some insider facts about it!
