
Floortje Bouwkamp is a neurocognitive scientist with a background in visual communication. She investigates how expectations can guide selective attention.

During her time as a professional graphic designer she developed a profound interest in the neural mechanisms underlying visual perception and decided to pursue a career in science. She got her Bachelor’s degree at the University of Amsterdam and her research master’s degree in cognitive neuroscience at the Donders Institute (Radboud University).

She is currently doing her PhD funded by a research talent grant in the Predicitive Brain Lab. Here, she investigates how we automatically and implicitly learn the predictable structure in our environment and how this predictability is used by our brains to facilitate subsequent perceptual processing, completely outside of our awareness. Fascinated by the brain, she hopes to share its many wonders on this blog.

She lives together with her husband and two sons in Nijmegen.

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