Taking the Bait on Social Media

Taking the Bait on Social Media

The Internet is packed with content aimed at grabbing your attention, because attention is the internet’s currency. You may have noticed that posts that provoke negative reactions often generate a lot of engagement on social media. I try to figure out why.

The neuroscience behind spatial memory

The neuroscience behind spatial memory

You wake up in the middle of the night, needing to use the bathroom, but avoid turning on the light to prevent being blinded. Even in an unfamiliar setting like a hotel room, you can find your way through the darkness. But how does the brain manage this? Over the years, researchers have been shedding light on the mechanisms supporting our brain’s ability to remember spatial information.

A t(r)ip for your mental health

A t(r)ip for your mental health

Research into the therapeutic use of psychedelics is getting more and more attention. The first substances have already been approved for American and European markets. But what’s the current situation? Can we already ask the general practitioner for shrooms on prescription?

The future of the mind

The future of the mind

What are the promises and risks of digitalization for our brains? To answer this question, The Future of the Mind symposium at the Donders Institute explored the intersection of behavioral and neuroscience, artificial intelligence, ethics, economy, philosophy, and law.

Exploring consciousness: Daniel Dennett’s legacy

Exploring consciousness: Daniel Dennett’s legacy

“The secret of happiness is: Find something more important than you are and dedicate your life to it.” This was said by Daniel Dennett, a world-renowned American Philosopher who sadly passed away on 19 April. He certainly followed his own word and left a legacy of his work on consciousness, free will, ethics and artificial intelligence. Let’s explore some of his ideas!