The Times Square effect

The Times Square effect

As I was walking through the streets of Manhattan, I experienced what I call the “Times Square effect”: too many things to sense at once. It put me in this contemplation state where I am both fascinated and overwhelmed by my surroundings.

The legacy of Frans de Waal

The legacy of Frans de Waal

On March 14, the world-famous primatologist Frans de Waal passed away. His primate research not only expanded our knowledge of chimpanzees and bonobos, but also revealed fascinating insights about the most peculiar of apes: humans. Here, we show three lessons we learned from Frans de Waal.

Your brain is a time machine

Your brain is a time machine

On the surface level, we all seem to have a common-sense notion of what time is, the flow of time seems natural to us, and we seem to swim in it. But when you consider what modern physics has understood about time, it is like holding a snowflake. Gradually, as you study it, it melts between your fingers and vanishes.