Kim Beneyton

The Times Square effect

The Times Square effect

As I was walking through the streets of Manhattan, I experienced what I call the “Times Square effect”: too many things to sense at once. It put me in this contemplation state where I am both fascinated and overwhelmed by my surroundings.

Women on the moon

Women on the moon

Is there a lunar clock in the female brain to influence menstrual cycles? Many research studies show that it is just a dusty old myth. How about in ancient times, when most of our biological rhythms were still governed by natural light?

The bored brain

The bored brain

A bored man was working at developing energy sources for radar systems. He failed and wanted to have a coffee break. Suddenly, he realized that the chocolate bar in his pocket had melted during his experiments: he had just discovered the microwave. Many breakthroughs happened by accident – or should I say: boredom. Research studies revealed that getting bored engages the same brain areas as creative thinking.

Me versus the other

Me versus the other

Social comparison, or the tendency to compare oneself with another, is an individual behavior largely embedded in cultural and political background. Research has converged on the idea that the brain’s reward-related system is involved. Why is that?

Repeat it until you get it

Repeat it until you get it

As grown-ups, we easily tend to get bored when falling into a form of routine. Children, on the contrary, are very much into repetitions. This developmental difference is at the core of the way we process and interpret the world with experience.

Do looks make the person??

Do looks make the person??

Is it even possible to remain non-judgmental about looks and avoid associated stereotypes? It seems that we all judge looks, even our own; and on top of being superficial, it can seriously affect our behavior.

One thing to forget?

One thing to forget?

Can you imagine a life without forgetting? The truth is that erasing outdated or meaningless memories is just as important as creating new ones, both facilitate the ability to learn while generalizing.

Why dogs are so special

Why dogs are so special

Research reveals the unique capability of dogs to understand humans. One look at our face while carefully listening to our voice and they can make sense of our emotional state.

Error is the key to success

Error is the key to success

What to do when facing a situation we’re not familiar with? Too many unknown elements to react intuitively. That’s when we need to pause and think about a new plan. And then, just try and see?