Jeroen Uleman

Do our brains work just like a computer?

Do our brains work just like a computer?

There are many analogies between brains and computers. The artificial neural networks that underlie face or voice recognition are even inspired by our brains. But do the analogies also go the other way round? How do computers work and how do brains compare?

Can an app help treat depression?

Can an app help treat depression?

With ever-increasing waiting lists in psychiatry, alternative treatments for depression are in need. Since most people carry a smartphone nowadays, app-based therapy could be an accessible alternative. But do they actually work?

Probabilities and odds in medical science

Probabilities and odds in medical science

Probabilities and odds are often confused. The Dutch language doesn’t even have a word for “odds” and instead simply uses the English term. The difference between the two is relevant though. When gambling, for example, and also when trying to understand your risk of getting a disease.

Esketamine, a miracle drug for depression?

Esketamine, a miracle drug for depression?

Up to 30% of people with depression do not adequately respond to our current treatments. This is a tremendous problem given the detrimental effects of depression on a person’s well-being and their environment. In the past years, Esketamine—a new drug for depression—has emerged, but is it the solution we have been waiting for?

Bothered by intrusive thoughts? Here’s something to try

Bothered by intrusive thoughts? Here’s something to try

If you’ve ever waited for a train and suddenly thought about jumping—or pushing someone—in front of it, or had a sexually perverted thought that had little to do with your actual desires, you’re not the only one. Unwanted intrusive thoughts are common yet differ greatly from one person to the next. Keep reading if you want to find out how you might deal with such thoughts.

Do you practice mindfulness? This is why you should?

Do you practice mindfulness? This is why you should?

In recent years, practitioners and scientists alike have made grandiose claims about the benefits of mindfulness meditation. Countless case studies support the idea that mindfulness meditation can improve virtually every domain of life. Unfortunately, few of these benefits meet scientific consensus. So which ones hold up? Find out here.