
Women on the moon

Women on the moon

Is there a lunar clock in the female brain to influence menstrual cycles? Many research studies show that it is just a dusty old myth. How about in ancient times, when most of our biological rhythms were still governed by natural light?

The bored brain

The bored brain

A bored man was working at developing energy sources for radar systems. He failed and wanted to have a coffee break. Suddenly, he realized that the chocolate bar in his pocket had melted during his experiments: he had just discovered the microwave. Many breakthroughs happened by accident – or should I say: boredom. Research studies revealed that getting bored engages the same brain areas as creative thinking.

Fight against the couch potato in you

Fight against the couch potato in you

It’s no secret that people generally prefer tasks that are easy and require minimum effort over those that are more challenging. A recent study shows that you can overcome this laziness when there’s a chance for learning.
