I bet you have heard of hypnosis. Do you really know though how it affects our brain and our behavior?
I bet you have heard of hypnosis. Do you really know though how it affects our brain and our behavior?
Change is stressful and can be hard to accept, but our brains are up to the challenge.
In our day, we are constantly asked to tell left from right. Why it is so common for people to confuse the two?
Information is everywhere; how sure can we be of its authenticity?
Do you know that sudden feeling of familiarity when you sense something and it seems like you have already experienced it before? The French call it déjà vu. And neuroscientists from around the world try to define its nature.
We can all agree that weather and seasonal changes affect us. But how much this has to do with our brain?
In the 80s we kept them bushy, in the 90s ultra-thin, and nowadays bold and big. Eyebrows have undergone many changes through the years (some arguably better than others). One change has been key to human socialization.
We all are aware that we spend a lot of time on the phone. We are less aware that sometimes we may snub others in favour of our phone. This behaviour is called phubbing and it is more frequent than we may expect.
Chess is considered the intellectuals’ game par excellence. It requires logic and strategy. What does the brain have to do with the moves your pawns make on the chessboard?
We all have things that we can’t get rid of. These can be emotional, or items we think are necessary. Some people, however, can’t throw away anything at all. Why is that the case?