Human Body

Freeze to decide

Freeze to decide

A threat! One person runs away while the other faces the fight. How do we decide what to do? Research shows that our body’s freeze reaction plays a role in these types of decisions.

The embodiment of sex and gender

The embodiment of sex and gender

It is believed that children start to feel their sex identity and express their own gender by the age of three. However, if we consider that gender/sex identity is not something that you build from one day to the next, one question remains: how and when do we start embodying our gender/sex?

A pill to help you study?

A pill to help you study?

Ritalin is prescribed to people diagnosed with ADHD so that they can study better. For this reason, students without ADHD have also begun to use Ritalin. But does such a pill work as well for them as it does for students with ADHD?
