Misophonia: Going crazy over Christmas chewing
People with misophonia have normal hearing but the sound of chewing can drive them mad. We see this emotional outburst back in the brain as a sign of abnormal attention to trigger sounds.
People with misophonia have normal hearing but the sound of chewing can drive them mad. We see this emotional outburst back in the brain as a sign of abnormal attention to trigger sounds.
At the Donders Institute, we use EEG or MEG to measure brain activity. These tools use special equipment to detect the electric current or magnetic field that brain cells generate.
A film on a fancy TV can feel fake. This is because our brain uses previous experience to interpret the world.
Recognising emotions is an important skill that helps us in social encounters. But how you feel yourself affects how well you can do this
Working from home is challenging, but it can teach you to be very efficient by working in short cycles, taking good breaks, and by integrating work and private life instead of separating them.
Curiosity is an important motivator in our search for knowledge. Research shows that we are mostly curious about information that reduces uncertainty about our world
Press your face firmly into the snow and the imprint looks like the real thing. This optical illusion reveals how your brain functions.
Research from the Donders institute reveals that imagining something can be very much like seeing it with your eyes, and vice versa.
Recent research shows that infants tailor attention towards what they learn from the most.
You see what you see, right? Well, it’s not that simple. It turns out that