Real me vs Virtual me

Real me vs Virtual me

Nowadays, the anonymization and greater social distance involved in online social interactions appear to facilitate misbehavior and a lack of empathy. Why is it easier to ignore, criticize, or mock people when online?

Eyebrows don’t lie.

Eyebrows don’t lie.

In the 80s we kept them bushy, in the 90s ultra-thin, and nowadays bold and big. Eyebrows have undergone many changes through the years (some arguably better than others). One change has been key to human socialization.

The embodiment of sex and gender

The embodiment of sex and gender

It is believed that children start to feel their sex identity and express their own gender by the age of three. However, if we consider that gender/sex identity is not something that you build from one day to the next, one question remains: how and when do we start embodying our gender/sex?
